Monday, October 6, 2014

Review: Doctor Who Kill the Moon

Doctor Who
Kill the Moon

This episode finds the Doctor and Clara traveling to the moon to change the course of mankind. But this time is a little different - the Doctor stays out of it! 

When Clara tries to get the Doctor to apologize for calling a student "not special," the Doctor makes a bold decision to prove himself. Clara, the Doctor, and Courtney are whisked away to the moon in the Tardis where something universe altering is about to occur.

This episode is mostly about decisions. People are making a lot of decisions, from deciding to go to the moon, to explode 100 nuclear bombs, to save the moon, or to just run. Many things hang in the balance in this episode - future of mankind and the moon, as well as a relationship that was already slightly strained between the Doctor and Clara.

We find that companions are probably the best when traveling with the Doctor, rather than trying to live two lives. Clara begins to realize, or perhaps Danny Pink has had some influence, that the Doctor's life, and therefore her life, are difficult to balance. Hard decisions must be made and the Doctor will not always tell you the right way.

I really liked that the Doctor stepped out of this episode for a little bit. He left everything up to three humans who, right or wrong, were going to make a very human decision. One that would change the course of the universe.

This episode brought up some interesting ideas about what the Doctor knows and doesn't know. Did he know that Courtney was special and was just saying she wasn't to help push her along? Contrary to what the Doctor claimed about grey areas in his mind, he seemed to clearly know the outcome of the situation, but not how the decision was going to be made perhaps. This Doctor is a keeper of secrets, mores than any other. He is dark and brooding sometimes, but all for good reason. 

Final thoughts:
I liked the episode just fine. This season is really driving home the idea of what it is like being a companion to the Doctor. It affects you. Inside and out. Your decisions. Your life. Your way of thinking. Clara has a lot of thinking to do now. She's a wonderful companion and brings  avery human soul to the show, much like Donna Noble did.

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