Saturday, August 16, 2014

Toy Box Summit News

Some really exciting news from the Toy Box Summit!

Mount: Gus the Mule, kicks a football (from the 1976 live-action film Gus)

Scrooge’s Money Bin - can dive into the money and wade around in with coins flying around. More updates to the existing structures.

Santa Claus suit for Jack Skellington!

Finding Dory may lead to swimming playset and characters.

Talk about LucasArts properties, Indiana Jones playset may be possible.

Unannounced female character for 2.0!

Can make leaderboards, small cut-scenes, text boxes, RPGs in the toy box.

Undo placement feature and can favorite items when building in the toybox.

Tons of creativitoys (79 give or take).

Can use builders to fill in spots with templates.

Are You Sure prompt before Theme All.

Game Changers:
Barrier blocks - players cannot go through edge of the world and fall off and they are scalable and blocks for track pieces, collision free and can drag through objects

Can select skies

Rails and blocks can be textured with tons of options, customizable

Townspeople - can accept logic now and trigger other things and assigned behaviors, can add to team to help fight, mission givers and add dialogue, can stand still and follow you

Color changing plates and changing symbols, pressure plates, liftable blocks

Camera angles: target camera and angled camera

Treasure chests can be added that contain items and generate enemies, health capsules, special moves

Collectibles can now be added to the toy box. Collectible tracker to keep track of collectables.

Generating friends and friendly wave generator.

Enemy spawner can be attached to a locater, eliminating the the marker for where enemies appear, enemy wave locator, and cauldrons and doors as locators.

Collection pens have new features.

Safety domes have more options. Can change the hit points and add different items.

Finales are included as well as podiums for places. Text tools and action enforcers.

Gravity Falls soundtrack!
Iron Fist will have a costume.
Re-player - need to add reset button

Counter - any number between 1 - 10,000, more options
Timing Toys - any time from 1 sec - 5 minutes

Generators - have a random feature, can hide these plates and use the locator to have items spawn

Enemies - new enemies, including Bears from Brave as well as Boss Enemies

Cameras -  choose transitions (swing, fade, cut) edit duration of shot, can hide with wand

Trigger Areas - can scale trigger areas now and scale through objects and can deactivate them

Checkpoints - make them invisible, specify activation, set-up logic to teleport to checkpoints

Team Activator - assign to teams, glow to mark characters

Victory Tracker - count defeats, hits

Boombox and sound effects - lots of tracks and new sound effects

New Creativi-toys:
Action Enforcer - can change the action of a character
Ballot Box - multiple triggers can cast a ballot for a vote
Confirmer - confused? the confirmer can help you
Defeat Manager - affects what happens when a character is defeated (reset power meter and the like)
Effects Generator - effects like fire, aura, explosions, 16-bit explosion, water, and more
Level Starter - changes start of a level
Logic Gate
Randomizer - up to ten toys can be set-up randomly
Ready Up
Toy Box Game Maker - choose what to allow a player can do
Text Creator - add text with ready made phrases
Text Displayer - create your own text and can hook up a keyboard
Editor Manager
Economy System - can buy and place toys to achieve certain tasks, can reward
Packs and Tools Manager
Inventory Manager
Store Front - what you can buy

Loot Drop Manager - enemies loot drop
Money Manager
Remote - assign buttons to make things happen
Weather Vane - change wind
Color Changing Block - logic included, use as a trigger
Enemy Trail Guide - enemies move to locations
Ability - certain character can be affected
Vehicle Summoner - summon vehicles
Satellites receivers

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