Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spider-Man and Kingpin in the MCU

Ever since it was announced that Spider-Man will join the MCU and have his own reboot film, there has been speculation about whether or not Spidey will be Peter Parker or Miles Morales or some other version from the Spider-verse. Especially with the idea of the Civil War storyline looming in the third Captain America film, where will Peter be in his life?

Kevin Feige, the man who is overseeing the MCU, had this to say:

“We want to play with Spider-Man in the high school years because frankly there’ve been five Spider-Man films and the amazing thing about it is, even though there’ve been five Spider-Man films, there are so many things from the comics that haven’t been done yet. Not just characters or villains or supporting characters, but sides to his character. The most obvious being the ‘young, doesn’t quite fit in’ kid before his powers, and then the fella that puts on a mask and swings around and fights bad guys and doesn’t shut up, which is something we want to play with and we’re excited about.” 

I am quite thrilled that the MCU will see Spider-Man as the one and only Peter Parker. He'll be brought back to his origins, which will put him in an interesting place in the universe. In all the film versions, Peter has been at the end of his high school career. Tobey Maguire played him as the lovable geek and Andrew Garfield played him as the smart, somewhat angsty, popular kid (maybe popular is a strong word but he sure wasn't a geek). Both versions got the smart part right, but what about the smart-aleck? Where were the quips and puns and witty banter that is one of Spider-Mans greatest powers? I guess that's the writers fault. I can't wait to see how the Avengers, Doctor Strange, and Daredevil handle this kid who swings through New York and delivers the one-liners like a vaudeville act.

What is also interesting now is the  introduction of Wilson Fisk, or Kingpin, in Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix. This MCU Kingpin is ruthless and violent. Fisk will prove to be a formidable foe for our teenage hero, giving rise to a dynamic that will surely fit right in. The introduction of Kingpin will hopefully open up some wonderful villains and storylines in the MCU. 

Here's what wikipedia reminds us about Civil War and Spider-Man:

Fisk appears in the Civil War War Crimes one-shot, in which he offers information about Captain America's Resistance base to Iron Man, the leader of the pro-Registration forces in exchange for a reduced sentence. However, as his status in prison is threatened for collaborating with Stark, he betrays him. He then puts out a hit on Spider-Man and his loved ones after Iron Man convinced Spider-Man to publicly reveal his identity as a means of demonstrating his support for the Superhuman Registration Act. This results Spider-Man's Aunt May gravely wounded by a sniper's attempt to kill Spider-Man. After tracing the event back to Kingpin, Spider-Man confronts Kingpin in prison and badly beats in front of his fellow inmates. He decides to let the Kingpin live with the humiliation of his defeat, news of which will quickly spread through the Underworld. He vows, however, to kill the Kingpin if May dies.

Remember MCU creative folks, with great power comes great responsibility. I trust you can do it!

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