Monday, June 1, 2015

Disney Infinity 3.0 Inside Out Playset!

With only a few weeks before Inside Out appears in theatres, it seems wise to introduce Disney Infinity fans to the playset that will accompany the movie.

The playset will be a sequel story to the film, so it's a good thing the movie comes out before the playset. This playset stars Riley babysitting. While babysitting she falls asleep and accidentally changes the channel on the tv to a scary movie. This wreaks havoc with her subconscious and her emotions go into crisis mode. Enemies include broccoli, swamp creatures, and bats. We love bats!

This playset is mainly focused on platforming. Unlike 2.0, which was combat heavy, this will be a nice addition to the playset family and offer a totally new experience and promotes cooperative play. This is where Disney 3.0 needs to up their game and make the playsets available for online play.

All the emotions have their own special abilities to help get through the platforming challenges. This is great because it makes the player use all the characters in the playset instead of sticking to the ones they like the most.  Anger can run across lava, Disgust can high jump, Fear runs quickly, Joy can glide across large gaps, and Sadness can walk across clouds. All unique abilities to promote the platforming theme.

Clouds are a big component of the levels. Sadness can walk across them with ease, but any other character can only step on them briefly before they disappear; you must jump quickly if you want to get past them without using Sadness. If you're playing co-op, Sadness can pick up another character like Anger and walk across the clouds with him, easing your co-op partner's troubles. Similarly, Anger can pick up Sadness and carry her across the lava should she need it. The entire set can be played single player, but cooperative two-player gameplay is highly encouraged.
Another element is called musical gameplay. Here, you flip switches back and forth, turning on and off various platforms. You must match the musical lines and which platforms you're going on to get through the various areas. This means precisely timing and syncing up with the beat to do so.  Additionally, a gravity feature switches your perspective, turning the world and making you platform upside down.

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