Monday, March 14, 2016

Disney Infinity 3.0 Marvel Battlegrounds

Captain America: Civil War is only a few short months away and tomorrow, Disney Infinity 3.0 launches one of the largest add-ons to the platform with Marvel: Battlegrounds. In a  melee fighter style game akin to Super Smash Bros., Marvel characters brawl to see who is the ultimate superhero. Up to 4 characters can play at a time with fully destructible environments, making Battlegrounds unique to Disney Infinity 3.0! It also is one of the largest launches of additional figures with The Vision, Ant-Man, Black Panther, Capt. America, Black-suit Spider-Man, Boba Fett, and Baloo! Looks like we can finally see who is the better team, Team Cap or Team Iron Man! We'll be playing Battlegrounds tomorrow so look for more in-depth information. But for now, enjoy the trailer!

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