Friday, September 26, 2014

Disney Infinity 2.0 First Impressions

Disney Infinity 2.0 arrived on Tuesday. Along with it came the release of the much anticipated Marvel Heroes and playsets including The Avengers, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy! The Disney Infinity family grew not only in number but in strength and quips (thanks, Spidey and Rocket!).

My first impressions upon turning on the game were really positive. The opening sequence really sets the player up for success, utilizing the Disney Originals properties quite effectively. You almost forget that the Marvel characters are in the game. It's fun, it's imaginative, and it gets you right into the amazing world (or worlds) that is Disney Infinity.

Things have changed quite a bit, but the heart of the game is still present. Sure, the controls have changed (based on player feedback) and it looks a little different, but the game is still entirely intact and retains the thing we loved about the first game - making new worlds for our favorite characters to play in and explore!

Going through the tutorials that are presented by the hosts of the Toy Box, you quickly learn all you need to know, from improved helicopter controls to building INteriors. The best part though, you get Marvel characters interacting with Disney items like the Enchanted Bed from Bedknobs and Broomsticks! Speaking of which, the Toy Store has some really amazing surprises, like new terrains and skies and structures. The townspeople are new and varied, including some more Muppets and other favorite characters from both Disney Originals and Marvel, like the Lizard!

The Playsets are very fun. Spider-Man introduces some fun mechanics and missions with a great opening sequence with Goblin and Mysterio. Guardians of the Galaxy opens up right into the action and gets you going right away.

The Marvel characters are a blast to play. I've been hooked with Spider-Man and Rocket Raccoon. I haven't played them all, so that might change. The characters do feel very different from each other, in movement, strength, and style. The abilities of each character feel and look much better this time around. Not every character throws a ball as a weapon.

Overall, I really enjoy the game so far! I like that it looks and feels like Disney Infinity, just upgraded. It has all the charm, enjoyment, and beautiful aesthetics of the first game, and greatly improves the players experience. 

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